Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Reality

Ugh! OK so apparently what I say and what I do are not quite matching up these days. I am not used to this paradox. Usually if I say it, I do it.

I have been unable to keep up with the raw eating even during the day. We have been running so much that I haven't had the time to shop and prepare so that I can bring the foods with me. We have had parties or get togethers every night and don't get me wrong we are having a ton of fun. It just feels bad that I am not sticking with the eating.

And then I think of what Abraham says that it doesn't matter what you eat, it matters how you FEEL when you are eating it. So I am going to go with the flow and enjoy the next few days eating whatever. I am not going to get caught up in it. It is a strange time to try and commit anyway.

I will however begin anew after the new year. I have ordered the educational program from and it is due to be delivered some time next week. That will really help with the motivation and I am hoping I will have some direction.

So, that is it. I hope I am not letting anyone down but I am just being honest and letting you know where I am at. I could have easily come on and posted some BS about how great I have been eating but I don't lie so instead you get the whole, hard truth.

See you after the new year!

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