Wednesday, December 26, 2007

It's a Wonderful Life!!!

OK, I love, love, love this movie. It is one of my all time favorites and has been since I first saw it as a teenager. I watch it every year and cry my eyes out. I just finished watching it this year and once again I was reduced to a blithering a good way.

It is such a sweet movie and a great message. It really makes me think about my life and how blessed I am. I think it is so easy to lose track of all the wonderful things that we have in our lives and it is nice to stop and spend some time in gratitude for everything.

Of course you don't want to only do this just once a year at Christmas (even though for many years of my life that is what I did). Now that I know better, I do better and I make it a point to spend time in reflection and gratitude at least once a day. For me it is usually in the evening as I lie awake in bed. I think over my day and all the things I am grateful for. It is a great way to center and to fall asleep in a good place.
Of course as we near the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008 so many people are looking forward to resolutions and plans for next year which is a positive and healthy thing to do. I think it is also good to look back in reflection at the year we have had and for all the things that we are grateful for.
I usually do this with my Christmas letter I send out. This year I did the video Christmas card and it was a light hearted and fun way to revisit my family's year. I plan on taking some more quiet time before the end of the year to look back at the changes and growth I have made personally this year. This will help me plan the next year. What is that saying "if you don't know where you come from, you don't know where you're going?" I find that to be especially true at this time of year.

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