Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Changes Are Happening

Hi everyone,
I've posted a new Utter in my green player to the right. If you can't find it there you can listen to it here.

Thanks for listening!


HiHoRosie said...

You know I can relate on the computer addiction! But good for you for recognizing for yourself where you need/want to change. Enjoy your time with your family (that's great about the "breakthru" with your son - awesome!) and hope things are positive and happy and get "rebalanced." :) You'll be missed but not forgotten either. I look forward to future updates on your blog from time to time even if it's just an occasional hello! Take care - wishing all the best to you and your family.


Ben Kaelan said...

Awww congrats on the breakthrough hun. I never did get to mentioning how I appreciated your mom's point of view on that one post you commented on a few days ago. There's no overstepping so worry not! :) I love your comments.

I know how you feel though; I've been struggling trying to update everyday. I guess we got so used to doing that when juice feasting because we needed to feel connected that way. Post-juice feast, it's like we can let go a bit more.

Kudos to you for making a decision that benefits you and your family. *hugs* I do love hearing your voice posts though :) You have a voice that makes me go Awwww! Wish I could hug ya reeeeeaaaal tight! :)

- Ben

Hanlie said...

I can't believe I'm 3 days behind in reading blogposts! Craig is sleeping now, so I'll take a listen in the morning.

I'm pretty sure I ovulated yesterday (on time), without having had a period. Apparently this can happen on raw food.

Also going through a lot of changes right now... For the better.

Hope we can chat tomorrow!